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Analysis of the reason for the instability of normal pressure gauge pointer
 Dec 21, 2021|View:265

Because we use the normal pressure gauge in the process of the main reference is its pointer indicated by the number, so if the pointer is unstable, often frequent swing phenomenon must be paid attention to. So what causes this phenomenon in general? The following is specific content analysis:

normal pressure gauge pointer

The frequent swing of the pointer of the conventional manometer may not be the quality problem of the manometer itself, but the frequent swing phenomenon may be due to the vibration of the working environment. This is because if the instrument is in the workplace vibration range is relatively large, then it will naturally lead to obvious and large swing of the pointer, such as marine pressure gauges. Similarly, if the vibration phenomenon in the workplace is relatively small, then the pointer of the conventional pressure gauge will not appear so obvious vibration, the swing amplitude is significantly reduced. In fact, if the meter is subjected to severe vibration, it is very difficult to read the value of the meter when the meter pointer swings more than 5% from side to side.

In addition to the working environment, the reason why the normal pressure gauge pointer will appear violent swing phenomenon is also related to the properties of the medium measured. For example, if the meter is used to measure fluctuating pressure, it may also cause the needle to swing from side to side. This is because the pressure changes periodically over time.

We specialize in providing you with high-quality medic pressure gauges and related accessories. We support a global fast delivery service for your order. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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